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Investing in a Social Media Presence

A social media presence is imperative in today's business world.

Social selling is a buzz word among companies trying to boost their top line revenue. But with so much noise on social media platforms is social selling even worth all the hassle? Although having a social media marketing strategy won’t replace a sales force it’s more imperative than ever to develop a web presence.

Social Selling to Increase Awareness

Here are some eye-opening statistics about the importance of developing a web presence:

  • 77% of B2B buyers said they do not talk to a salesperson until they’ve performed independent research themselves.
  • B2B buyers complete 57% of the purchasing process before they want to talk to a sales person.
  • 75% of B2B buyers use social media in their decision-making process.
  • 92% of B2B buyers start their search for a solution to their problem online.

Cold calls, cold emails, and in person visits isn’t enough to make a sale. Consumers are looking more and more to the internet for solutions to their problems. Social selling isn’t just about making the sale it’s about setting up the foundation for the sale to happen.

Tips to Building an Online Presence

According to Jason Wojciechowicz, “The most common Social Media mistakes in today’s world is that not enough businesses are committing a separate department to their social media presence.”

Wojciechowicz, or more commonly known by his friends as “Wojo,” is the founder and CEO of Wojo Media – an online media company.

For a lot of local businesses and a lot of online based businesses, building that online credibility is going to be the deciding factor that sets you apart, gives you that opportunity to build local leads, and increase revenue over time.

Wojo’s top 5 tips for building a successful social media strategy are as follows:

  • Speak your brand’s voice correctly.
  • Post content that’s valuable to your audience without always going in for the sale.
  • Run consistent marketing campaigns for special events that you know could bring a huge amount of attention to your product or service.
  • Make sure you’re posting consistently so you don’t lose the attention of your newly gained audience members.
  • Most importantly, build a community, NOT a following.

Invest in a Social Media Presence

For smaller to medium-sized companies with a tight budget it can be difficult to build a social media presence. Hiring a full-time or even part-time employee can be expensive and business owners with tight margins may find it difficult to invest in advertising.

That’s why it’s important for small business owners to seek the help of professionals who can tailor a social media strategy for a fraction of the cost.

Wojo Media is a perfect example of a social media agency that can do just that. They understand the need for a business or individual to have a social media presence. They help small business owners compete in the noisy social media world of today.

They tailor a plan to your social media needs whether it is account management, content strategy, content creation, website building, and more. They are there with you every step of the way to make sure when it comes time for you to commit to your online presence, they will be by your side mentoring and guiding you through the process.

2 comments on “Investing in a Social Media Presence

  1. Pingback: Social Media Marketing Facts Every Business Should Know -

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