marketing skills to recruit
Small Business

Leverage Your Marketing Skills to Recruit Your Next Star Employee

Looking to fill an empty role in your company? Use your marketing skills!

You have an open position, and you’re looking to recruit and retain the best person for the job. But how do you accomplish this when you’re not in the recruiting business? You may not be a human resources professional, but there’s a good chance that, as a business owner, you have some marketing skills up your sleeve. You can leverage these marketing skills to recruit your next start employee.

After all, hiring is as much about selling your company as the best fit for a candidate as finding a person who is a good fit for your team. We have put together the following tips and resources to help your throughout this process.

Attract High Quality Candidates

According to one report, healthy company culture is one of the main factors that helps attract solid employees. Positive company culture can also help reduce attrition and employee turnover. Offer perks that help you stand out in your industry. Think beyond free snacks to things like a concierge service, childcare discounts, flexible work options, transportation subsidies, or onsite pet care.

Another way that you can attract high quality candidates is by informing them how you as an employer plan to help your employees grow as professionals.

As you create compelling job descriptions, reflect your company’s culture and brand voice. Be realistic about the day-to-day job duties, but don’t forget to highlight the above-and-beyond qualities that can set applicants apart. Frame your opening as an opportunity for growth and professional fulfillment. Then, work hard to maintain a culture where that’s the reality. If you find that you need to work on culture and positivity, don’t put it off. Start by asking your current employees whether they feel fulfilled in their current roles and what you could do better.

Incidentally, when you’re putting together the job description, feel free to incorporate colorful, vibrant images, as well. If you have any trouble with file size, just head over to this easy to use image resizer online and adjust your image file sizes in moments.

By leveraging your marketing skills to recruit new employees, you will be able to attract high quality candidates and find your next rockstar.

Tap Into Your Network

Your current employees are in the best position to help market your job opening. They have the advantage of knowing other people like them. They should also know exactly what the job entails and what the company is like. If you don’t have one already, create an employee referral program to reward people for bringing their friends on board.

Don’t hesitate to advertise your job postings on your company’s social media pages. People who already love your products and services could make great employees. Take the time to make a high-quality recruitment video. Then, share it online as well as on your customer-facing social media channels.

A big part of marketing is tapping into your network. So, use these marketing skills to recruit your next employee.

Vet Potential Candidates

Instead of checking references only when you’re ready to make an offer, request letters of recommendation. You can request these as part of your application materials. Only do this if it makes sense in your industry. Applicants who are proactive in getting references may also be willing to go above and beyond in their daily duties.

Another way to check for culture fit is to use legitimate trait assessments. Although general personality tests may not be a strong indicator of job performance, they can tell you a bit about a potential employee. For example, they may reveal whether an applicant’s personality type may be compatible with managers and other employees, whether they have any tendencies to be arrogant or bully others, and how they handle pressure.

Use Your Marketing Skills to Recruit!

By using the marketing skills you already have, you can advertise your job opening far and wide and generate interest from qualified candidates. If you’ve used all of these tactics and still haven’t found the right fit or if you’re looking to fill an executive role, it may be time to outsource your recruiting to a professional firm.

Either way, with a bit of time, patience, and creativity, you’ll be welcoming your new star employee before you know it. When posting a job, be sure to use your marketing skills to recruit your next employee.

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